Tissue Culture Banana

Tissue Culture Banana

Guidance and Benefits of Tissue Culture Banana Cultivation

Do you know that bananas are the second most cultivated fruit in India besides mangoes?

The availability, accessibility, variety, taste, rich nutritional and medicine value throughout the year make it a favourite fruit among all classes of people.

Apart from this, it equally has great export potential.

Therefore, there is a need to promote and cultivate a wide variety of healthy banana plants, and this can be achieved by the tissue culture technique.

Tissue culture in plants is a technique in which every plant tissue like roots, stems, flowers, etc. is planted on nutrient media in sterile conditions. According to this theory, each plant cell can produce a proper plant.

Planting bananas can be planted throughout the year, depending on market demand, unless the temperature is too low or too high. Tissue culture banana cultivation is recommended because it produces disease-free plants, even in growth and initial results.

We at Tirupati Greenhouse Nursery is providing tissue culture cultivation and propagation Since 2000. We are a leading manufacturer and supplier of the high-quality tissue culture g9 banana plants in Madhya Pradesh, India, at the lowest market prices.

We believe in maximum production technology with minimum resources. Our primary goal is to bring banana plant tissue to the shoulders of farmers to harvest plants without disease which can not only increase production but also improve fruit quality.

Tissue Culture Banana Cultivation

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Nursery Location

Vill: Sirlay, Teh: Barwaha, Dist: Khargone - 451115 (M.P.)

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City Office

Kag Market, Infornt of SBI, Maheshwar Road Barwaha, Dist: Khargone - 451115 (M.P.)

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